Innovations in Prosthetics
It’s been a great summer here in Santa Monica. I’ve gotten to spend a lot of quality time with my wife Ashley and our wildly active and wildly adorable toddler. Here we are enjoying live music at a concert!
My son and I can always be spotted around Los Angeles in our cool hats. We have a few matching ones!
Anyway, today I’d like to nerd out about 3 prosthetics projects I’ve been working on this summer.
#1. My Visit to University of Michigan
My cousin Elliott Rouse is like, really smart and leads a neurobionics lab at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. I got to spend an entire day in the lab with Elliott and his team doing cool stuff. I was there primarily to test his Open Source Leg (a research prototype device with a motorized knee and ankle), which had not previously been used by a hip disartic.
Here’s me walking on the open source leg developed by my cousin, Elliott Rouse and his team at the University of Michigan.
It’s been amazing to see what my cousin, Elliott Rouse and his team are up to in the innovative robotics lab at University of Michigan!
#2. My Partnership with Össur
I am proud to share that I’ve teamed up with one of the leading prosthetics companies in the world, Össur. I’m spreading the word about their device, Power Knee, the world’s first motor-powered microprocessor knee. It’s a game changer for me in terms of the energy required to walk. The future is now!
Legal stuff: The statements I’ve made reflect my own experience and are not a guarantee, promise or reflection of the experience of others. Power Knee is a medical device. Safety guidance can be found in the Instructions for Use on Össur’s website.
I’m excited to partner with Össur on their innovative prosthetics developments.
#3: My 2024 Halloween Costume
Okay, okay. Making my annual Halloween costume is not really a prosthetics project, but kind’ve? Maybe? Anyways, just excited to share that costume expert Calen Hoffman and I are at it again and working as a team to wow you this October! We’re hard at work (well, Calen is) building this year’s costume. Can’t wait for you to see it. Check out Calen’s latest projects here.