Whhhhaaa! Check out my #LoveNotes billboard in Downtown Los Angeles.

Whhhhaaa! Check out my #LoveNotes billboard in Downtown Los Angeles.


We could all use a little more love in our lives, right?

Even though Valentine's Day is the most overly commercialized holiday of them all (I'm looking at you, overpriced chocolate and roses), we can and should recognize our loved ones each and every day.

My friends over at YouTube celebrated the global day of love with their recent #LoveNotes campaign, which I'm proud to have been part of. Their team selected their favorite #LoveNotes from real viewers like you and featured those kind comments on my videos on a giant billboard in Downtown Los Angeles! How cool is that?! It’s basically a dream come true to be featured on a billboard like some kind of cool real estate agent or insurance broker or something.

Anyways, thought you'd like to know. Feel free to leave a #LoveNote of your own on my channel and as always, much love and thank you for being part of my little community here on the interwebs.

P.S. Special thanks to the super kind viewer who left the featured #LoveNote for me on one of my videos!

Thanks to my awesome viewers for all your #LoveNotes on thousands of my YouTube videos over the years!

Thanks to my awesome viewers for all your #LoveNotes on thousands of my YouTube videos over the years!

Josh Sundquist