motivational speaker josh sundquist
One More Thing, One More Time
Josh Sundquist is a Paralympian and bestselling author who has shared his story at events across the world. His high-energy blend of humor and inspiration motivates audiences to adopt his ski racing motto 1MT1MT (one more thing, one more time) to elevate their performance in sales, customer service, leadership, and more.
Inspire your audience
Josh studies your industry and organizational culture to create a customized keynote that reinforces your event’s theme and feels personally relevant to each member of your audience. He tells stories about losing his leg to cancer, ski racing in the Paralympics, and playing jokes with his artificial leg to help your group:
Be resilient during times of change
Maintain a sense of humor within stressful circumstances
Face adversity with strength and courage
Reverse negative trends and rebound from disappointment
Plan for the future with an expanded vision of what could be possible
They'll laugh—and they'll cry
His presentations blend clean stand-up comedy with soulful storytelling. Hilarious audience interactions are punctuated by moments of profound silence. Your attendees experience a roller-coaster ride of laughter, tears, chills and still more laughter.
A keynote your attendees will never forget
Josh’s life story is a reminder of how all our stories are interconnected, how even our smallest actions and decisions impact the world around us. People walk away with a fresh perspective on everything they have to be grateful for, with resolve to overcome personal and professional challenges, and with a commitment to do 1MT1MT to reach their fullest potential. They carry Josh's empowering message of hope and determination in their hearts and minds long after the conclusion of your event.

Rave Reviews
“Josh artfully made a connection between the Walmart story and his own. His first speech was so moving that we hired him to come back a second time! ”
“He’ll make you laugh out loud and fill you with raw emotion...Lasting, positive impact with actionable takeaways.”
“Josh is a wonderful, inspiring, and engaging speaker. The sign of a captive audience at Google is when all laptops are shut!”
“We are still talking about your presentation, quite literally every day.”
“Josh was phenomenal. We are just over the moon.”
“In my 20 years of advertising I have never seen a standing ovation at the end of a presentation — and I have seen a lot of great speakers!”

Your audience will learn...
When Josh was training for the Paralympics, his motto was 1MT1MT (one more thing, one more time). What's the 1MT1MT you could do today to get closer to the future you are training for? What's that little bit of extra effort you could make to better serve your customers?
Change is our chance to grow
Josh had to give up his childhood dream of playing for the local travel soccer team. But as a result, he discovered something even better: the dream of a Paralympic uniform. When we accept change—in our lives, our workplace, and our industry—we create the space necessary for new growth.
You only strike out when you quit
Josh went up to bat in a softball game a month after his amputation. He got three strikes in a row. But his friends let him keep swinging. It took more than twenty to get a hit. That game was a lot like life. In most endeavors, you only strike out when you quit. How many strikes are you willing to take?
Sell solutions, not products
An airline employee offered Josh a seat with “extra leg room” because he has one leg. Which is funny since he gets extra leg room...automatically. She wanted to help, but she made the most common mistake in customer service: offering a solution before understanding the problem. Don't tell your customers what you want to sell before learning what they want to buy.
It's not how fast you ski, it's how fast you get back up
In his first ski race, Josh fell. Five times. In sports, in life, in business, the principle is the same—you will fall. The question is, how fast can you get back up? How quickly can you learn from a mistake and then recover by implementing that new knowledge?
When life gives you lemons, make Halloween costumes
We all have problems. We all have things we wish we could change but can't. And we certainly all have stress. But sometimes within those situations we can find a bit of humor, and that can make the challenges a little easier to endure.
Josh's Halloween Costumes →
Leadership is putting yourself in their boot
Josh's first ski instructor had two legs, but he took off a ski and balanced on one leg to give Josh an example to follow. Whether you are a business leader, a community leader, or a student leader, that's an illustration of how to be effective: put yourself in their boot. And leave a trail they can follow.
Collaboration doubles our resources
For years, Josh accumulated a box of unused left shoes. Then he met his solemate, Stephen, an amputee missing the opposite leg. Now Josh and Stephen exchange shoes and each have twice as many as before. Likewise, when we collaborate with co-workers and with other divisions, we all end up with more.

Custom Built Presentations
Every speech is custom made for your group.
Josh weaves his story together with the story of your organization. He attends your entire event, sitting in on general sessions, chatting with attendees at social functions and immersing himself in your culture so he can:
Reinforce what your leadership team has said at previous sessions
Interact with individual audience members by name from on stage
Choose anecdotes from his life that support your theme
Speak naturally in the nomenclature and acronyms of your industry
Refer to inside jokes and events from prior days of the conference
Teach 1mt1mt's that will be relevant and actionable for your audience
“Inspires and awes his audiences with his true life experiences. He is a must for your next meeting! “”
“Many people have said that your speech was the highlight of the event. You connected in such a meaningful way.”
“captivates everyone in the audience with his positive attitude and true life stories.”